Vehicle Gate Access Information
Q: How do I request a new RFID Tag?
A: Please click HERE to request a vehicle gate RFID Tag.
NOTE: The tags are to be placed directly on the driver's side headlight. Wipe the headlight down with alcohol, then once dry, affix the tag directly in the front center of the headlight. Once placed, do not move or remove tag as this will destroy the tag.
Q: How do my guests and visitors enter the community?
A: Your community uses a gate management system, DwellingLive. Once you have been added to the DwellingLive system, you will be emailed a temporary login. Please log in to DwellingLive to complete your registration, pre-register guests, add vendors, and more.
Q: How do I pay for my gate access device?
A. Any charges will be billed to your HOA account. Click HERE to pay for any applicable charges.
NOTE: Charges will not be reflected on your account until your request has been processed and finalized.
Q: My gate access device is no longer working. What do I do?
A: Replacement RFID Tags can be purchased by clicking the link above.